Upcoming Tasting Sessions

When you order one of our wine tasting boxes, we will invite you to one of our online tasting sessions. The meetings are held in small groups using a conference app (e.g. Zoom).

During our sessions you will learn more about the places where the respective wines and cheeses come from, as well as their origins and production methods. We will also talk about the principles of combining wine and food.

You are encouraged to try the products, comment, and ask questions. Don't worry, you can get involved in the discussion as much or as little as you feel comfortable!

Most importantly, you enjoy the box, try everything with an open mind, have fun and learn more about Greece and its culture!

Normally we have a calendar with available dates for you to book an online tasting. These days however, as everybody wants to be outdoors and enjoy their wine boxes at the park or with friends, we can arrange the dates individually. 

If you would like to book an online tasting session, please contact us and we'll find a suitable date together :)

You can of course also skip the session and try the box privately or with your family and friends.

We want you to enjoy the tasting box in the way that works best for you 🍷.